
Action Mechanism and Characters of Coupling Agent

To learn the relationship between the titanate structure and property will help you make the right choices of all kinds of products (varieties). Tetravalent elements are the best molecular builders, for example, tetravalent titanic carbon forms the basis of lives. In the same way, the Titanium chemistry indicates that tetravalent Titanium makes it possible for the chemist to synthesize all kinds of titanic acid ester as coupling agent. They not only bring good coupling effect to different filler or polymer system, but also manifest other functions. The molecular of titanate coupling agent can be divided into six functional zones, and…

Titanate Coupling Agent's Usage

Before using coupling agent, you should measure the moisture content of the filler you use. Then you decide the specific varieties of coupling agent on the basis of the filler's moisture content and the mentioned-before coupling agent properties, e.g. monoalkoxy-coupling agent suitable for the dry filler and chelate type or mono-alkoxy pyrophophato coupling agent suitable for the wet filler. During choosing coupling agent, you should consider polymer's melting point, crystallinity, molecular weight, polarity, aromatic character, fatsoluble property and copolymerization structure. Regarding the thermosetting polymer, you should consider the solidifying-temperature and solidifying-mechanism. The filler's properties such as shape, specific surface, acidic/basic…